

New Patients Face IQ Aesthetics

Thank you for your interest in becoming a new patient at Face IQ Aesthetics!

Before your treatment, we require prospective patients to have a pre-assessment consultation. This allows you to receive a fully customized treatment plan along with pricing prior to scheduling. Upon completion, Face IQ Aesthetics’ patient care consultant will contact you to discuss all options in detail prior to scheduling.

April will make an assessment based on your submitted photos and aesthetic concerns, with the goal of helping you achieve healthy skin and facial harmonization. Her assessment includes injectables such as fillers and neuromodulators (Botox, etc), skin treatments like lasers and microneedling, and product recommendations. These recommendations are your roadmap to achieve beautiful, natural aesthetic results. Your treatments can be spaced according to budget and treatment timeline.

Please note, April does not treat single areas in isolation (i.e. only lips or only cheeks). Because our face ages in all areas, treating one area can disrupt facial balance. All suggestions are for full facial balancing and harmonization. Often two or more areas need to be treated to achieve the most natural looking results.

If you are interested in receiving a customized treatment plan from April Harrison PA, text 832-800-3783 or email appointments@faceiqaesthetics.com and a Face IQ Aesthetics patient consultant will be in touch.

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